June 20th – June 25th – “For the Love Of The Goddess Within”

You are called to discover the beautiful splendor that you truly are, inner peace acquire a new understanding of yourself. Our journey to Cyprus, the island of the great goddess, will offer you a rare opportunity to experience a powerful inner transformation, to rejuvenate your relationships, heal your heart, self- love, and self- worthiness. On the day of the most powerful energy wave on Earth, find yourself at the right place that will help you effortlessly meet life challenges. Escape for 5 days at the mystical and magnificent island of Cyprus, where we will combine holiday and relaxation with spiritual work, in ancient temples like Aphrodite’s birth place, Apollo Helates temple, Aphrodite’s Kouklia sanctuary, Kourion and enjoy an endless celebration by the sea.

Imagine waking up every morning to the sound of the sea and the healing energy of the sun. While basking in the beautiful natural splendor and breathing in the beautiful sea breeze. Start your day with a walk by the sea and a swim as the sun rises followed by yoga, meditation and breakfast by the waters before our journey begins.

Why are you called on the journey to the island of the great goddess Aphrodite?

You are called to discover the beautiful splendor that you truly are, inner peace acquire a new understanding of yourself. Our journey to Cyprus, the island of the great goddess, will offer you a rare opportunity to experience a powerful inner transformation, to rejuvenate your relationships, heal your heart, self- love, and self- worthiness. On the day of the most powerful energy wave on Earth, find yourself at the right place that will help you effortlessly meet life challenges. Escape for 5 days at the mystical and magnificent island of Cyprus, where we will combine holiday and relaxation with spiritual work, in ancient temples like Aphrodite’s birth place, Apollo Helates temple, Aphrodite’s Kouklia sanctuary, Kourion and enjoy an endless celebration by the sea.

Imagine waking up every morning to the sound of the sea and the healing energy of the sun. While basking in the beautiful natural splendor and breathing in the beautiful sea breeze. Start your day with a walk by the sea and a swim as the sun rises followed by yoga, meditation and breakfast by the waters before our journey begins.

“Why are you called on the journey to the island of the great goddess Aphrodite?

 Ancient Greek temples

Ancient sacred places are built on electromagnetic points on Earth. They are the points through which Earth breathes. They are also connected to certain star systems in the universe and act as a base for the energies that come from these systems. This is why a spiritual journey to places of high scientific and spiritual energy helps us connect to our esoteric sanctuary; we step outside of time and in between the veils of realities where anything is possible.

In a sacred environment, we are receptive to the voice and the presence of the goddess in a way that we experience the extraordinary and the miraculous something that we all expect in visiting places like the ancient temples.

Away from our everyday life of stress and responsibilities, an enormous space opens up in our hearts for the Divine to enter, to heal and guide us.

“Begin your journey with an open heart and a beginner’s mind and let the experience to teach you”.

The Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates

The Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates at the ancient Greek city of Kourion, is one of the most important and famous temples on the ancient island of Cyprus and holds significant importance for all Greeks.The temple is dedicated to the Supreme Being of Light Apollo, “The Sun god”. It is called Hylates because he is the protector of the trees. The temple is a bastion for the powerful energy related to the energy of the Sun and the Complete Light.The temple was constructed in Greece in 8 B.C. and was identical to the ancient temples of Epidaurus and Argolida.

The temple was a primary place of worship till it discontinued its service to people in the 4 century B.C.

The Secret of the temple

In the center of the temple resides the ancient Sun Disk that holds the wisdom regarding the spiritual connection to Apollo and the energy of the sun.

On the 21st  of June, when Summer Solstice is celebrated, the light of the sun is aligned with the Sun Disk, providing a rare opportunity to spiritually connect with ancient wisdom and energy. This event is taking place once a year and falls on the day of summer solstice.

Apollo, who is the supreme Being of light is responsible for the spiritual evolution of humans. Summer solstice is the most important day for Gaia and the evolution of humanity.

Why summer solstice is so important

Be at the right place at the right time

The summer solstice is the time to celebrate the death of the ego and the awakening of consciousness. It’s only on this day when the spiritual gate of Sirius, the Spiritual Sun, opens to assist humans on their journey to spiritual evolution

Apollo the Supreme being of Light and son of the Sun, is riding a chariot of four horses, representing the process of achieving enlightenment by attaining the four Divine qualities that Apollo holds. It is a time to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness in the individual and the return to the Whole Light, Oneness, God / Goddess All That Is, the Eternal Consciousness.

Ancient Greeks/ Ellines have aligned their sacred site of Delphi, to Sirius which is the Spiritual Sun, to summer solstice. On this day they held celebrations to honor Apollo and to receive the blessings from the energies coming through from Sirius on to Gaia. They celebrated the alignment and Union of the Sun and Gaia, fertility and the defeat of the darkness, the lower self, and the ego which is symbolized by a snake or a dragon. We often find in ancient Hellenic arts, Apollo killing a dragon or a snake which represents the death of the ego.

The Sun is the only gate through which the source can send Light to our galaxy and to Gaia. This is why the sun has such an important spiritual significance for the indigenous people not only in Greece/ Hellas, but in the entire world.

Goddess consciousness or feminine energy is a state of awareness connected to the wisdom of the heart and gives rise to Divine Masculine as a cosmic mother for All creation; that’s our true power of creation.

Aphrodite’s Sanctuary in KoukliaThe island of Cyprus has always been considered the birth place of Aphrodite. Homer, who was a philosopher in 8 B.C, referred to goddess Aphrodite as Cypriot  “Aphrodite Kyprida”. She was worshipped the island of Cyprus from 12 century B.C until 4 century A.C.After the Christians outlawed the ancient Greek practice and their gods, the Cypriots protected their goddess and maintained the tradition and connection in secret.The great goddess Aphrodite is a warrior Supreme Being of Light called also Urania Aphrodite. Her name Urania, declares her cosmic ascendance (origins) and her sovereignty in Heaven. She is an erotic and unifying power holding the energy of fertility and abundance of life. Aphrodite came from another star system called Cassiopeia to our planet Gaia – after the invitation of Apollo – to teach humans unconditional love.Aphrodite’s temple in Kouklia was constructed in 12 B.C by the king and goddess favor High priest Kyneras; it was a temple fame in the old times and of the greatest importance for the ancient Greeks , for the Mediterranean people and the Romans in the later years.The great goddess didn’t allowed people to offer sacrifices of blood, but only flowers, essences and beautiful aromas. This is the reason why Greeks created the first well known factory, in the ancient world, for aromas in Cyprus. 

Aphrodite’s birth place

The oldest written myth of Aphrodite’s birth is by writer Hesiod’s, in the 8th century B.C, in “Theogony”, meaning creation of the cosmos.“In the beginning there was the chaos and then Gaia and Uranus were created, who gave birth to monstrous sons.

One of them named Cronus, cut his father’s testicles so that he put an end to the creation of monsters.The testicles fallen in the ocean; for a long time they were carried away by the waves, until they reached the south sea shores of the island of Cyprus.Suddenly there was a lot of sea foam around them and then a beautiful goddess emerged out of it. Eros and Passion escorted her at the shore. This why she is called Aphrodite, meaning the One that came out of the sea foam.According to Hesiod the birth of the great goddess put an end to the creation of monsters and a new era of creation through love and passion begin.  

The City Of Limassol

The most cosmopolitan city in Cyprus, Limassol is renowned for its vibrant atmosphere and spontaneous hospitality. Retaining the character of its rich and colorful history, the ancient Greek city of Amathunda, besides the ancient Greek temples, theater, archeological museum and more antiquities, also serves as a thriving commercial center for its international community.

The commercial area at Limassol Marina features a variety of shops, elegant boutiques, designer stores and amenities, as well as restaurants, cafes and waterfront bars.On your personal time you can sun-bath on the beach or choose from a range of watersports – from water-skiing and wind-surfing to scuba-diving, sailing and fishing. The 17km promenade running along the coastline is ever-popular as the longest in Europe, with cyclists or those who love to take a walk along the sea. 

Lefkara stone village

Lefkara village is more than 1000 years old. With its embroidery “Lefkara lace”, silver work, traditional stone architecture and delicious delights, Lefkara is bound to win your heartIt is true that Leonardo Da Vince once visited this village. He was so impressed with the Lefkara lace, that he bought some pieces which he next included in his paintings.

The City Of Larnaca

Larnaca is the place where past and present blend magically into a delightful mosaic of sun and culture.

Larnaca has a long, colorful and rich history. Hundreds of years of contrasting civilizations, traditional architecture and culture have left their mark on what has always been one of Cyprus’ most important and diverse regions. 

Larnaca is the place where past and present blend magically into a delightful mosaic of sun and culture. Larnaca has a long, colorful and rich history. Hundreds of years of contrasting civilizations, traditional architecture and culture have left their mark on what has always been one of Cyprus’ most important and diverse regions. 

The coastal city of Larnaka

The defining features of Larnaka city include the bustling promenade of Foinikoudes – which is lined with mature palm trees and flanked by beach, cafes, eateries and entertainment, shops, galleries – and ecological value. The ancient church of Agios Lazaros, the patron saint of the town who Jesus resurrected and held dear as a friend and the mosque of Hala Sultan that is flanked by the Salt Lake is an important place of pilgrimage for Moslems. Larnaka is one of the few places in Cyprus that can show evidence of history of some 10000 years ago.

Ayia Napa & Protaras

Protaras is a well-known tourist’s hot spot that runs across the Easter coast of Paralimni. It’s a fairly large, modern resort with large hotels, villas, cottages, restaurants, cafes and pubs.Many guidebooks describe the local beaches as fantastic and rightfully so. The crystal-clear waters along the entire coast with the beaches of fine golden sand mean they have been awarded the prestigious Blue Flag, which rates their cleanliness under the guidelines of the eco-initiative, Greening Cyprus Beaches, which started in 1987.

Eliana Eleftheriou Spiritual teacher / organizer and leader of the journey .

Dessi Kassab| guest teacherYoga & Tibetan singing ballHolistic Therapist | Life Coach | Indigo


A sample of a day on the journey

6:00 am Sun nurturing meditation – optional
6:30 – 6:50 walking meditation on the beach
7:00- 8:00 am yoga
9:15 – 10:25 am breakfast
10:30 am departure from the hotel by bus to the temple
11:00 – 13:00 Spiritual work & meditation at the temple
13:00 – 13:30 personal time at the temple & watch the celebration
13:40 departure by bus to Aphrodite’s birth place
14:15 departure to lunch</span>
14:30 – 15:30 Lunch – Enjoying fresh Cypriot cuisine
15:35 Return by bus back to the hotel
16:00 – 17:00 break
17:00 – 18:00 Workshop
19:30 departure by bus for evening outing at Marina area by the sea
Or meditation under the stars on the beach (depending on the days schedule)

Teachings & Practices for you

During this transformation journey you will create the foundation for your dreams through meditation, yoga, cleansing rituals in the water and healing workshops.

– See below some of the work on this once a lifetime transformation experience

  • Meditation with goddess Aphrodite Archetype
  • Meditation with the six Greek goddess
  • Mindful walking meditation on the beach
  • Meditation for manifesting
  • Sun nurtured meditation
  • Chakra cleansing meditation in the waters
  • Awaken the feminine mystic
  • Awaken your spiritual intuitive powers
  • Resolve the mother wounds and move forward with your life
  • Sacred sexuality restored
  • Discover the technique to awaken your sexual energy
  • Resolve and heal shame, guilt and worthiness
  • Self-esteem & self-confidence
  • Unblock your pituitary gland and empower yourself
  • Learn how to stand in your power and create your desires

– Open up the path of love

  • Get rid of distorted love patterns
  • Cut & release past relationships
  • Resolve trauma that pushes love away

– Self-love

  • Soulmate relationships and anything new that might come through from the Energy.


Please fill in the inquiry form and ask any questions by clicking here!

Terms & Conditions

Please ensure you read the terms below to ensure a smooth flowing journey.


All destination travel arrangements from your country to Cyprus airport and hotel are your responsibility and at your own cost. We shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from delays or cancellations in any of the companies you may have made arrangements with, or for any irregularities in your documentation required for travel.


The deposit of € 400 is non-refundable.

The deposit can be transferred to a friend, or in case that your place is filled with someone else then it can be returned to you.  If cancellation is made within 12 weeks of departure/after the balance is paid in full, then 50% of the balance paid will be refunded. In any other case, cancellations will not be refunded unless the place can be filled.


This journey is open to all women and men from 12 years old and above (anyone under 18 years of age needs to be accompanied by one of their parents). During the journey there will be exposure in the sun, traveling in the buses, meditation in the water, walking on the beach for at least 30 minutes and yoga activities. Considering the style of this journey and all activities described in all literature on this page, it may not be suitable for anyone who is pregnant, injured, allergy to the sun, or has serious physical/medical conditions. If you have had any serious physical or emotional illness within the last 3 years, or are under medical or psychiatric supervision please advise prior to booking. If you are in any doubt of your ability to participate in this journey please contact us beforehand to discuss so that we avoid any further complications.


Please understand that you are responsible for your own health and well-being during the retreat. Eliana Eleftheriou will not be held liable for any injuries or other medical or emotional problems that may occur are sustained or aggravated during or after your time on the journey with us. Eliana Eleftheriou will not accept any responsibility for cancellations, delays or changes caused by war, threat of war, terrorist actions, closure of airports, civil strike, industrial action, natural disasters, technical problems to transport, illness of participants or close relatives/pets, acts of God or any other events beyond our control. Neither can we be responsible for any loss or damage of property or disruption of program due to circumstances beyond the control of Eliana Eleftheriou.


By booking the journey you agree to the above terms and conditions. 6 days / 5 nights of stay at Mediterranean hotel Limassol

Arrival on the 20th June & departure on the 25th June Daily:
Breakfast, Water, Fresh Fruits.
Welcome dinner in the hotel on the 20 June.
Lunch snack pack for the beach excursion
Entrance fees to the Archaeological sites
Beach day excursion to Protaras,
Umbrellas at Protaras beach Beds.
Umbrellas at the hotel area!
Bus transfers from the Hotel for all group excursions & destinations!
Bus transfer for our group outings.

What is not included

  • Your air fare tickets from your country to Cyprus.
  • Your transportation from the airport to Mediterranean hotel Limassol.
  • Your transport from Mediterranean hotel Limassol to the airport Transport for personal reasons.
  • Hotel personal expenses, mini bar, spa or sport activities.
  • Your travel insurance. Private healing sessions

What to bring with you

  • Light cloths, preferably cotton in light colors (temperature at 35 Celsius).
  • White color shirts, tee- shirts, dresses or caftans for the visit at the sacred sites. Swim suit, beach towel, sun cream, sun glass, beach sleepers and all other necessities for the beach.
  • Food for snacking in between meals (nuts, dry fruit, seeds, cookies, rice cakes…) A bottle that can keep the water cool for you to take it around. Is preferably that you ware sneakers to walk around the sacred places Medical insurance number or card.

Accommodation options & prices.

  1. Shared Twin Room sea view / €1349 per person
  2. Shared Twin Room inland view / €1260 per person Single Room sea view / €1760 per person
  3. Single Room inland view / €1600 per person

Mode Of Payment

I accept the following modes of payment in Euros:

  • Wire Transfer Clients choosing this option can transfer money through international wire transfer.
  • Bank details will be provided upon completion of registration
  • Paypal You may also pay utilize the Paypal gateway to reserve and complete your order.
  • My preferred mode of payment is Bank transfer but I accept Paypal in cases where clients require immediate sessions and healing.

A deposit of € 400 is necessary to reserve your place on the journey. The remaining amount is to be paid just before the journey. Complete the registration form here