Other people share their experience with HTS sessions. – Μιλούν για τις εμπειρίες τους μέσα από τις συνεδρίες με την μέθοδο ΤΑΣ.

Read what some of my patients say about me and my methods. For GDPR reasons some names cant be revealed.

Nad R

Alcohol became a big part of my life. I had always enjoyed drinking and loved the sense of relaxation and joy and at times escape from reality one felt after drinking. Always a moderate weekend drinker, all that discipline changed after my breakup. My life had changed drastically and the only way to get through my mornings and nights was through alcohol. It started with couple of drinks daily and progressed to more than a bottle. In desperation, I connected with Eliana. In a Span of two months, her healing transformed me and my attitude. Her sessions were intense and the results were amazing. I regained control over my addiction and my life. I continue to enjoy my life and am free of alcohol dependency. Eliana is compassionate and truly cares. She understood my weakness and addiction and worked so gently with me. Thank you Eliana for saving my life.

Α. Μ

My doctor recommended me to Eliana at a time that I was desperate, I was about to separate from my partner. My partner couldn’t split from a bad business partnership where he was stuck for m any years without making any money even to sustain himself. I had serious problems with people’s behavior around me and also my partner would not commit to me. After my husband had three sessions with Elian he finally got out of a long term business partnership, his self-esteem and confidence is now much stronger. After I dad five sessions with Eliana we resolved the issues we had with my partner and he proposed to me. We already got married a month ago. I must admit that it took me some time to trust energy work, as it was the very first experience I had. We are so grateful to Eliana and her beautiful work.

N. S

I would like to thank Eliana Eleftheriou for her great healing work she did for me on premature ejaculation. The results were visible just after 1 healing session. I definitely recommend her work.


Eliana came into my life when things were very tough, when all aspects relationships I had were very bad. I had problems at work, with my family, with my own self and although I had tried different other technics, Eliana and her method Human Systems Technology is the only one that help me find solutions. Can we bring miraculous changes in our life? Yes that is absolutely possible with Human Systems Technology and Eliana’s guidance. When we change our belief system we can change our life to a healthier and happier one. My life has changed radically with Eliana’s help and I definitely recommend her work.

Nikolas. S

I would like to thank Eliana Eleftheriou for all the great healing work she has done for me so far. I used to be extremely anxious and suffered from OCD which prevented me of enjoying much time outside of my house. Just after two healing sessions I had a tremendously positive outcome which removed at least 95% of my anxiety issues. Now, I feel more solid and safe and I started living again the life that I desire. Another positive outcome after our sessions was that I felt more comfortable with the energy that lies within me even after growing up with an idea of a punishing human-like God. I would recommend Eliana’s work to everyone that wants a positive change in his/her life. She is very friendly and makes you feel comfortable instantly. She is also very caring and always aims for the best results.

L. P

My husband was diagnosed with depression and various doctors have prescribed antidepressants to him. Luckily at that time we met Eliana. After just few months of having sessions with Eliana he has stopped having the symptoms, became happy and energetic again. It was a blessing to meet Eliana when we did indeed. Eternally grateful for all the help she continuously giving to our family.


At the age of 4 my daughter started to suffer from OCD. Needless to say, it tormented the whole family. The situation was deteriorating swiftly, and there seemed to be no solution, until we met Eliana. After just month of working on the problem, our daughter became free from OCD and distress. We are ever so grateful to Eliana and her ability to help people.


I have been diagnosed with idiopathic edema few years ago. Never ending visits to various doctors (Endocrinologist, urologist, hematologist, cardiologist, etc) brought no results, making me feel like there is no chance for me. Eliana used her technique to work on me and after just few sessions the swelling has gone! Thank you Eliana!




Before I walked into our first session, I had lived with months of pain, depression and panic attacks. Professionally and personally my life was a mess and nothing made sense. I had tried traditional therapy, guided meditations and other healing therapies to break the negativity and anger that had built up but nothing helped. The pain inside wouldn’t go away till I met you for our first session.  I walked away after the healing with the biggest smile and peace of mind I had felt in months. There were no smokes and mirror. Eliana took me into deep state under the powerful and deep work she practices and removed my sadness and depression. She is unbelievably intuitive and identified the negative blockages and reasons for my current state. We have worked on many of the issues and I can say that Eliana is truly amazing. I can’t thank her enough for the compassion she showed, and the time and effort she put in healing me. She was always available and reached out to me after each healing to make sure I was alright. Because of her healings, I feel the difference in my daily life and attitude. Gone are the days when every hour seemed like an eternity, the heaviness and the pain seemed unbreakable. Now I wake up with purpose and energy and things are looking much better in work. Now, I live every moment with confidence and free of fear of failure. My only regret is that we didn’t meet earlier as I wouldn’t have had to go through the pain and failures that eventually connected us.  Have faith and believe that the universe does not intend us to live in pain and suffering. Elaina’s healing practice is amazing in its ability to heal and replenish us and there is no one better than Eliana to bring that powerful change in your life. Live your life with love, peace and happiness my fellow being!!

Mariam Abdullah

I feel blessed to have taken the soul mate class with Eliana, with the plentitude of information and the unique way of teaching. Eliana is very knowledgeable with a clarity in her teachings and she makes sure that all information delivered is complete and comprehended. She has a lovely energy and connects to every student equally.

Jacqueline Moukarzel

Eliana is a great example of someone who is serious about their work. She loves what she does and this is shown in her energy and the depth of information and analysis throughout teaching the course. She is a library herself with so much knowledge to offer to her students. For sure she is not a typical Theta healing instructor. She is going out of her way giving so much more. She has a lovely and powerful energy, always keen to answer questions and always there to support. Eliana is an amazing teacher and I am grateful that I got the opportunity to be her student. I will definitely come back to her courses and I would definitely recommend her to anyone who would like to learn Theta healing.

Al Jazy

I have attended the soul mate  Theta healing class with Eliana and I have been so impressed with the knowledge and level of information that Eliana shared with us, her generosity to assist each one of us with her love . Her authenticity and respect for her work as a teacher is very obvious. I will definitely take more  courses with Eliana, a teacher of such caliber.

Tamara Al Gabbani

Theta Healing with Eliana has proven to be a liberating and immensely positive experience. Eliana is strong, highly intuitive and determined facilitator, whose passion for healing and helping has been both touching and motivating. It is with this experience and the results I personally experienced that I decided to join the courses and learn more about Theta Healing. The workshops exceeded my expectations and have inspired me to further expand my learning with her. Thank you Eliana for your beautiful energy, healing and knowledge


Eliana is my mentor and my teacher and above all my angel. It’s easy to talk to her it’s almost like talking to your mirror. I was a different person the first time I met her, I kept growing with her and that reflects all the aspects of my life. If I had ever an emergency she would be there for me with a good healing to overcome the problem and rebalance my energy or with an advice and a guidance to look within for the truth, she has no spiritual ego what’s so ever. If we lose contact for sometimes and I call her again it’s more like cats catching up with an old dear friend. I’m so grateful to have you in my life. Thanks for everything.

Rene Borisova

Ever since I started my spiritual journey with Eliana, a few years ago, I have only feel lighter, calmer and safer with every session I have been having. It has brought happiness, bliss, and balance into my life. I overcome many obstacles and fears which were stopping me from moving forward with my personal, spiritual life and career and most of all I found my inner peace and balance. It’s a true blessing to have her as my healer and my mentor. Her loving and caring energy is so special, she truly cares about my well-being and regularly checks on my energy to see how I am improving without me even asking. She has become a dear friend and I don’t hesitate to ask for any advice when needed, I know she will be there with a genuine guidance. Thank you for everything I am grateful to have you in my life.Pola

  After my participation in Elianas’ Theta Healing seminars I felt as if I have moved into a new era in my life, as if I have been reborn. I know how to manage my life and how to keep it peaceful, balanced and how to enjoy my everyday life without stress. Eliana is a teacher with great knowledge and a great ability to communicate that knowledge. Her only objectives are to help the students to understand the material of Theta Healing and to train them into a new way of life. Her teachings and all the new knowledge have shocked me at the beginning, but I can now implement it in my everyday life and support myself. Thank you Eliana for being in my life, I love you so much.

Panayiotis Costantas

I have been listening to your radio proto shows for a few months. I read your blog, and your webpage. I am more than impressed from your work. As a healer myself I recognize a great healer when I see or hear one. I am just hoping that the radio station will give you some extra time to continue your important work. My work in the US is related to what you are doing. I am professional counselor for the past 20 years. My undergraduate degree is in Psychology and my Graduate as well as the Doctorate degrees are in Counseling Psychology. My dissertation was written on “Risk taking behaviors”. People throughout their life cycle are called to take risks multiple times. Some of them are for the best and some of them are for the worst. If they are in contact with their inner self and they are truthful to themselves, they are more likely to take those risks for the best. Risks that they will open many doors for them and that they will lead them to to their longing for love and happiness. Unfortunately, people created an ugly world today. We all live in between the walls of fear, insecurity, greed, consumerism and addictions. The above polluted walls that we as humans created prevent us from being free, happy and loving as our creator wanted us to be. We need to find ways to open our minds to the unlimited source of energy that is around us at all times. Eliana sounds like a great coach and Theta healing approach can be a great avenue to that source. As one of my favored Greek poets Constantinos Cavafy’s wrote many years ago in one of his profound and prophetic poems “Walls” I can seat around and despair or get outside of those Walls and do many other things.



My acquaintance with Eliana and Theta Healing has given me the gift of an unbelievably beautiful experience, from which I only gained positive results. I was experiencing a difficult, tough and stressful relationship with my child, who was negative and aggressive with me all the time. The issue that I was facing has been resolved and my life has changed in such a way, that even I have difficulty believing it. My everyday experiences with my child ever since are the best proof of the inexhaustible strength Eliana has offered me, for which I am deeply thankful.

Mariam Abdullah

I feel blessed to have taken the soul mate class with Eliana, with the plenitude of information and the unique way of teaching. Eliana is very knowledgeable teacher with a clarity in her teachings and she makes sure that all information delivered is complete and comprehended. She has a lovely energy and connects to every student equally.

Jacqueline Moukarzel

Eliana is a great example of someone who is serious about their work. She loves what she does and this is shown in her energy and the depth of information and analysis throughout teaching the course. She is a library herself with so much knowledge to offer to her students. For sure she is not a typical Theta healing instructor. She is going out of her way giving so much more. She has a lovely and powerful energy, always keen to answer questions and always there to support. Eliana is an amazing teacher and I am grateful that I got the opportunity to be her student and although I have been studding with other teachers previously, I will definitely come back to her courses and I would definitely recommend her to anyone who would like to learn Theta healing.

Galatia Christoforidou

“Ask and you will be given”, so I asked God or the Creator or this universal power, you name it, to give me some answers and guide me further to my spiritual journey, and there I found her, Eliana, and Theta Healing, in “Mind, Body and Spirit” exhibition in Limassol March 2012. Eliana is an angel on earth, if I may say, and Theta Healing being a vast knowledge it gives us the answer to all questions and healing of the physical body from the Source. My personal sessions with Eliana changed my life completely, changed myself in a better way, changed my family and environment and offered me cure. I could never thank her enough. She is professional, simple and a very powerful therapist. Through the seminars that I attended I have acquired amazing knowledge that I could never dream of. The teaching by Eliana was so extraordinary pleasant and professional that each one in the class enjoyed it fully. Theta healing is simple and teaches us how to live a spiritual life. Theta Healing can and will transform your life in a magical way. It was the greatest gift I could ever receive and therefore I am grateful: “thank you Eliana, thank you God”.


Meeting and working with Eliana, has changed my life. A cliché saying, but my reality! I like some others, had a constant question about my purpose. There was this feeling within, that there is more, I can sense it, but I can’t see it and as though there was something blocking me or holding me back. Eliana is not just an amazing energy healer, she is a wonderful person to talk, laugh and smile with and she just makes things easy. She makes healing easy and fun. I can truly say after every session, I am at a higher level of balance with my life and all my relationships.   Cheers! Farheen

Dina Ahmed

THANK YOU for your support. Ever since i met you and throughout my healing seasons with you, my life quality have improved . My career and life has improved.  My entire being has shifted to a better level. I feel happier, and optimistic about the future.   You have a great ability to heal, very professional and excellent communication skills. You are a great person and amazing healer! THANK YOU and see you again in Dubai … soon!   All the best.. Dina Ahmed.

Demetra Demetriadou

I have to confess that after my first session with Eliana I literally feel reborn. In a few days only she managed to rid me of issues that have been creating serious problems for me and from which I have been suffering my whole life. I can say with certainty that I am now living the “Spring” of my life.


I wanted to thank you for your sacred work and helping me to heal particular areas of my life. I sought out your skill set with theta healing particularly, understanding that this modality is perfect for accelerated results and changes, just as I desired. Wanting to work on improving my eye sight, lead to understanding that my heart wanted more than anything to clear my foresight through my third eye. The surgery you completed with the ascended masters was truly incredible to opening me back up. This is the first time I experienced this safe dimensional healing and particularly with the ascended masters. Since this session, I’ve been aware that a vortex opened in my third eye chakra, with my knowing and knowing for others is now easily channeled when I desire to understand any situation or event beyond the physical existence of it. I’m truly grateful for you helping to allow me to open to my gifts even more and accelerate this ability for me to continue with my life work as it unfolds. With love, Daniella


I was lucky enough to have meet Eliana through her sacred activations workshop and it was amazing Eliana is such a warm, loving person and I instantly felt at ease and accepted. My life had been stagnant with relationships, money and other matters. After her sessions, which were very powerful, once the activations were done she explained to wait for 2 to 3 weeks till the energies settle and once they did my life, changed in more ways than I can ever imagine. I meet a wonderful man and have decided to move on with my life. My energies felt more positive and harmonized afterwards that had changed me forever – and this has helped me so much with every aspect in my life. I then came back to get some private sessions for my 6-year-old daughter and have seen a tremendous change in her behavior from been aggressive to calm which was a great relief for both off us. I would definitely recommend her I’m so happy to have Eliana part of my life.

Avramia Kontou

I always believed that there is something different, something higher, something “real” out there that we as Humans living in this material world cannot comprehend. Through my life’s journey, I met people who told me stories of situations they have experienced, that strengthened my own beliefs. As I wanted to learn the real truth I began reading and observing with an open mind what was going on in my own life, but also in the lives of those around me. This need of mine was heightened when I lost from my life a person who was very dear to me, whose loss branded me. In my search later on and through my continouing journey in this life I feel proud and lucky to have come across Eliana Eleftheriou! She has been a σταθμός in my spiritual evolutionary journey. Through her eyes I saw the pure truth of the universe, the meaning in life, and have came to understand that nothing really dies. Theta Healing is an education without limits that teaches you, that through the blessed light of the Creator, through unconditional love you can help not only yourself, but those around you. You can uplift yourself energetically, spiritually and physically through the higher good. I believe that Theta Healing is a blessing and that everyone should have the opportunity to know the real truth. Eliana is a fantastic teacher, who helps her students in every way she can to understand the laws of truth so that their life can be filled with happiness, joy and love. These goals are materialized mainly through the activations that Eliana teaches.

Athena Kontou

I have completed the Basic and Advanced Theta Healing courses with Eliana Eleftheriou. The knowledge that I received is vast, amazing and magical. I really feel blessed that the Creator brought Eliana into my life because Theta Healing has changed and is still changing my life towards my higher good. Eliana is a person that I really admire. She teaches Theta Healing in the best way possible and gives good and gradual guidance to her students. I believe that Theta Healing is something that everyone needs to learn. I always believed that what Theta Healing teaches existed. Everything is possible if we want it. Just follow Elianas’ guidance with an open mind and an open heart. Earths’ energy is changing and it is impossible for some of us to stay in the same biased stereotypes. Open and free your mind, the solution is inside of you. The activations help become a better person day by day, to be in sync to the more evolved energies of Earth, to change my way of thought, to heal, to send love, to evolve spiritually and always be connected to the light. I believe that our purpose in life is our evolution, the way to the Creator and the realisation that we as Humans are more powerful beings than we believe.


I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for delivering such a valuable knowledge to me of Theta healing at both levels , basic and advanced. I always wanted to work on my belief systems and this is the best tool i have ever learned. Your delivery and knowledge on the subject is really commendable. It was remarkable journey with you. Thanks & God bless you.

Al Jazy

I have attended the soul mate Theta healing class with Eliana and I have been so impressed with the knowledge and level of information that Eliana shared with us, her generosity to assist each one of us with her love. Her authenticity and respect for her work as a teacher is very obvious. I will definitely take more courses with Eliana, a teacher of such caliber.


Τι έχουν πει για την τεχνική Human Systems Technology

Έχω διαγνωσθεί με ιδιοπαθητικό οίδημα πριν από μερικά χρόνια. Έκανα ατέλειωτες επισκέψεις σε γιατρούς ( ενδοκρινολόγους, ουρολόγους, αιματολόγους, καρδιολόγους ) οι οποίες δεν είχαν φέρει κάποιο αποτέλεσμα, πράγμα που με έκανε να νιώθω πως δεν θα είχα καμία ευκαιρία να θεραπευτώ. Η  Ηλιάνα χρησιμοποιώντας την τεχνική της Human Systems Technology,με βοήθησε μετά από μερικές συνεδρίες να γίνω καλά. Σε ευχαριστώ Ηλιάνα. Y.G

Η κόρη μου στα 4 της χρόνια διαγνώστηκε με ψυχαναγκαστική διαταραχή. Η κατάσταση της χειροτέρευε και δεν μπορούσαμε να βρούμε λύση στο θέμα της, μέχρι που συναντήσαμε την Ηλιάνα. Μόνο μετά από ένα μήνα ενεργειακής εργασίας η κόρη μας αποθεραπεύθηκε από την ψυχαναγκαστική διαταραχή. Είμαστε τόσο ευγνώμονες στην Ηλιάνα και την ικανότητα της να βοηθά τους ανθρώπους. Α.Κ

Ο σύζυγος μου είχε διαγνωστεί με κατάθλιψη και οι ιατροί τους οποίους επισκέφθηκε του έδωσαν αντικαταθλιπτικά. Φανήκαμε τυχεροί που εκείνη την περίοδο γνωρίσαμε την Ηλιάνα. Μετά από μερικούς μήνες προσωπικών συνεδριάσεων με την Ηλιάνα, τα συμπτώματα έχουν περάσει, τώρα είναι καλά και δραστήριος. Ήταν πραγματικά ευλογία να συναντήσουμε την Ηλιάνα την δεδομένη στιγμή. Θα είμαστε αιώνια ευγνώμονες για την βοήθεια που δίνει στην οικογένεια μας.

Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω την Ηλιάνα για την υπέροχη ενεργειακή εργασία που έχει κάνει για μένα. Είχα πάρα πολύ άγχος και επίσης υπέφερα από ψυχαναγκαστική διαταραχή η οποία με εμπόδιζε να απολαμβάνω την ζωή μου εκτός σπιτιού αλλά και με εμπόδισε να ολοκληρώσω το πτυχίο μου. Μετά από μόνο 2 συνεδρίες το άγχος μου μειώθηκε στο 5 %. Τώρα νιώθω πιο ισορροπημένος και ασφαλείς μέσα μου και άρχισα να ζω όπως θέλω. Προτείνω την τεχνική με την οποία χρησιμοποιεί η Ηλιάνα αν θέλει να θετική αλλαγή στη ζωή του. Νικόλας .Σ

5.Η Ηλιάνα ήρθε στην ζωή μου σε μια στιγμή πολύ δύσκολη, όπου όλες οι διαπροσωπικές μου σχέσεις ήταν πολύ κακές. Προβλήματα σε οικογενειακό, σε επαγγελματικό και ψυχικό επίπεδο μπορούν να αλλάξουν άμεσα εκεί που άλλες μέθοδοι δεν μπορούσαν να βοηθήσουν πάρα μόνο τα συντηρούσαν αν όχι και τα ενδυνάμωνα. Μπορεί ο άνθρωπος να αλλάξει από την μια στιγμή στην άλλη; Μπορεί με την μέθοδο Human Systems Evolution Technology και την καθοδήγηση της Ηλιάνας. Οπότε αλλάζοντας συμπεριφορές και πεποιθήσεις άμεσα, μπορείς να αλλάξεις την ζωή σου για να ζήσεις χωρίς καταστροφικό άγχος και θυμό, με αγάπη και χαρά. Και Αυτό έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα να ζεις και μια ζωή χωρίς πόνο και αρρώστιες. Χαίρομαι που γνώρισα την Ηλιάνα και κατάφερα να βελτιώσω την σχέση μου με την μητέρα μου, τον άντρα μου και τα παιδιά μου. Σας συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα να δοκιμάσετε μερικές θεραπείες και αν δεν το κάνετε για σας κάνετε το για τα παιδιά σας, τους αξίζει μια ζωή γεμάτη φως, χαρά και ευγνωμοσύνη για την ίδια την ζωή. Μαρία

Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω την Ηλιάνα Ελευθερίου για την υπέροχη δουλεία που έκανε σε μένα σχετικά με το θέμα που με απασχολούσε με την πρόωρη εκσπερμάτωση. Τα θετικά αποτελέσματα ήταν γεγονός μετά από την πρώτη μας συνεδρία. Συστήνω ανεπιφύλακτα την δουλεία της Ηλιάνας.