Sacred Delphi journey

Summer Solstice

20thJune – 24th June “Know thyself” – Plato

Reconnect to your Spiritual Sun & expand your awareness to  freedom & happiness

“I cut the strings to what have held me
Controlled me
And so with scissors in hand
It seems they are invisible
Perhaps all an illusion.

Choosing this time not to reflect
From that that challenged me
Evolved and enlightened me
Pulled me around and shook me upside down
My memory has faded
Much of it a foggy haze
Some events and people are crystal clear
The rest – what did it matter?

Only ever left with a feeling in this moment
Without a need to reconnect to old feelings and emotions that are not now

I appreciate the imprints
The impressions made
The love exchanged
The music that continues to ground my soul
That gleeful feeling continues to remain.

Here’s to everlasting love in the every capacity possible. To greater soul and heart experiences and oneness with the world ?

Love to you wherever you are in this night that rolls over and always”. –  Daniella

Do you need clarity to take the next step?

Then come with us on the path of the spiritual Sun, get clarity, transform uncertainty to opportunity and move forward with your new life.

The sacred Delphi journey will offer you a deep spiritual meditation, healing and awareness expansion. It will help you experience your Divine revelation with a combination to spiritual work in sacred places, ancient temples, and enjoying the blue paradise of lonely islands, marvelous fresh Greek food of your preference, as well as private time for shopping or anything you would like to do.

The magic of being on a journey is that you get to meet like-minded people. As a group you create your own vortex of energy that supports and empowers all spiritual work that you practice, with far better results when connecting with a group into these high vibrating frequencies.

The beautiful sites that we will explore during this journey for summer solstice include:

  • Delphi, including Temple of Apollo, Castalia springs and Temple of Athena.
  • Arachova town for marvelous Greek food and shopping.
  • The blue paradise islands of Lyhadonisia.
  • The Parthenon in Athens.
  • A sunset cruise to Sounio by the temple of Poseidon and  the island of Aegina.

You will find the significance of each of the sites below, understanding their sacredness relating to your journey through the light to harmony.
The sacred area of Delphi is composed by many temples and other constructions like stadium, Zeus temple, Castalia sacred spring and the theater. They were building in Delphi to utilize the energy of the mountain and to honor the benevolent being of light, Apollo. Olympian Apollo was the messenger of god – goddess to humanity, and the holder of the energy of music and light. Many philosophers have taught this knowledge and wisdom, guidance, healing and light.

The word Delphi derives from the Greek word delphini, meaning dolphin, an extraterrestrial being that comes from planet Serious. This is why this sacred site has a strong energy of Serious.

This powerful energy is still there and visitors with a positive intention and an open heart can benefit.

Ancient sacred places are built on electromagnetic points on Earth. They are the points through which Earth breaths. They are also connected to certain star systems in the universe and grounding their magnificent energy on Earth.

Delphi is very well known globally because of the priestess in Apollo’s temple, channeling messages from higher dimensions of light. It was the most famous oracle site of the ancient world, and remains so, even today.

The cosmic energy at the sacred place of Delphi is the renaissance of the Light with-in humans.  It is the prevalence of the higher consciousness on the lower dark part of the human self.

The Temple of Apollo

The Temple of Apollo represents the male principle. There were only virgin women in the temple who were channeling messages from higher realms of light, under oath to serve Apollo’s teachings.

Apollo was the god of the conscious human, who is on a quest to his esoteric planes for the god/goddess spark of his existence.

When exaggeration and lack transforms into harmony and awareness of his own consciousness with the balance of sacred light, then a man can be reconnected to his “Spiritual Sun”. This is the way a human can raise his consciousness to the level of harmony.

The understanding and bridging of the two aspects of what is logical and what is not logical, of the material world and the spiritual world, of the mortal and the immortal, this is the pathway that leads to “Know Thyself”.

The chariot with the four horses is a symbol of the four seasons but also the four elements of nature. That’s why the Supreme Being of Light Apollo is the carrier of four Divine qualities:

  • Music – as the higher way of communication
  • Medicine – as the harmony of the body, spirit and soul
  • Divination – as the transcended communication of the lower and the higher realms.
  • Archery – as the ability of thinking; a symbol of the spirit that passes through the darkness of ignorance

The only way for someone to reconnect with his Spiritual Sun is the ability to identify with the previously mentioned four qualities.

Athena temple

The temple of Athena represents the female principle and is much older than Apollo’s temple. It was the main temple in old times where priestess’ were connecting to the Spirit of Gaia.

The town of Arachova

The town of Arachova is built up on five heels, at 1000 sq. meters of height. It is considered the most cosmopolitan winter resorts in Greece. Embedded in nature with beautiful country stone houses, it is a town that offers many different kind of choices to visitors for sports and adventures. It also has luxurious hotels, excellent taverns and restaurants with delicious food from homemade products.

There are many local small shops for shopping, where you can find local homemade products including pasta, marmalades, as well as leather clothes and furs.

Arachova was the favorite place of famous people like Aristotle Onassis, Maria Callas, Jacky Kennedy, The Beatles and members of the royal families of Europe.

After our pilgrimage to Delphi, we will take a 15 minute drive to Arachova to enjoy a marvelous lunch of Greek food.

Note: you can eat whatever you like during this retreat; there are no restrictions.

A day at a blue paradise of Lyhadonisia islands for relaxing and deep esoteric work

Spend a day on the lonely Lyhadonisia islands, the blue paradise as they are also known. Connect to nature and the powerful energy of the water and allow it wash away the mist from your eyes and gain clarity on the important things in your life.

Strip the distractions from your mind so that you can finally get the clarity that you have been looking for. Allow your mind to finally slow down, balance within, simplify and become beautifully clear.

On the exotic islands of Lyhadonisia you will relax, take a break from your life and discover how to find inner peace, contentment, confidence, diminish anxiety and be present, enjoying the moment.

You will have plenty of time to play, rest, unwind and process. You will have the freedom do whatever makes you happy while we enjoy the pleasures of these islands…

Visit to Athens Parthenon

447-438 B.C., Athens, Greece — The Parthenon at Dusk — Image by © Colin Dixon/Arcaid/Corbis

Every time I take a pilgrimage to Parthenon, it’s like coming home after being lost and wondering around aimlessly for a long time; only I come home to myself…the real me. To be at this sacred place is direct experience of who you really are beyond your mind and personality. It is directly connected to the attributes of goddess Athena.

The Parthenon’s name refers to the worship of Athena Parthenos, the ‘Virgin Athena’ who issued fully grown from the head of her father Zeus. The maiden goddess and patroness of Athens, Athena represents the highest order of spiritual development and the gifts of intellect and understanding.

Pure in body, mind and heart, Athena is the symbol of the universal human aspiration for wisdom. It was not only the character and statue of the goddess that symbolize these qualities however, the precise topographical location and astronomical orientation of her shrine, and the sacred geometry that infuse the entire temple.

By being at Parthenon, we will be opening up to the esoteric gateway and connect to our Divine feminine power of the universe, our creative power and reclaim the power to manifest.

It is the way to release limiting thoughts and beliefs, replace them with Divine Sophia (who is known as the mother of the living and her foreknowledge of heaven’s sovereignty) and follow your purpose of life living your full potential.

Why summer solstice is so important

The summer solstice is the time to celebrate the death of the ego and the awakening of consciousness. Is the time when the spiritual gate of Sirius, the Spiritual Sun, opens to assist humans on their journey to spiritual evolution

Apollo the Supreme being of Light and son of the Sun, is riding a chariot of four horses, representing the process of achieving enlightenment by attaining the four Divine qualities that Apollo holds. It is a time to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness in the individual and the return to the Whole Light, Oneness, God / Goddess All That Is, the Eternal Consciousness.

Ancient Greeks/ Ellines have aligned their sacred site of Delphi, to Sirius which is the Spiritual Sun. On summer solstice they held celebrations to honor Apollo and to receive the blessings from the energies coming through from the spiritual gate of Sirius on to Gaia. They celebrated the alignment and Union of the Sun and Gaia, fertility and the defeat of the darkness, the lower self and the ego which is symbolized by a snake or a dragon. We often find in ancient Hellenic arts, Apollo killing a dragon or a snake which represents the death of the ego.

The Sun is the only gate that the Source can send Light to our galaxy and to Gaia. This is why the sun has such an important spiritual significance for the indigenous people not only in Greece/ Hellas, but in the whole world.

The power of a group healinge

Sacred love is the most powerful energy in the Universe. It is only with sacred love that we can eliminate negativity and transform today’s situation in a better world.

The meaning of life is to live in love and to do the work to expand our consciousness and earn our freedom from the prison of darkness.

We light workers, are the channels of cosmic light of the heart of cosmos, and with our work we transform negative to positive.

We travel we get together and we send love energy to the entire planet so that all humans can use it to open their hearts and evolve their consciousness. This way, the planet will be free from hatred, ignorance and other toxic energies and disasters.

Doing group work with fellow light workers at sacred energy places, allows us to ground cosmic energy or a way we can create bodies of love energy to empower our own energy system, other people’s, the planet and all life on it.


There is a VIP transportation for our group throughout the trip

The transport from the airport to the hotel in Athens and on departure day from the hotel to the airport is on you. In case that you would like us to make arrangements for it with special prices for you please let us know in advance. In that case please have exchange in Euros to pay the taxi driver’s fees.


The air fare tickets are not included in the package for this journey.

Tickets for the boats and Archeology sites at Delphi and Parthenon are included.


Breakfast and lunch are included in the package with exemption the 22nd of June. At this day we will be spending the day at Lyhadonisia islands where there is just a snack bar for snacks and drinks, so each one will take care themselves at lunch.

Dinners are excluded with exemption the first night we arrive in Athens. Since most of people and especially women avoid big meals at night we prefer not to stress them with organized dinner .We prefer each one to make their own choice for their dinner. We will be very happy to make suggestions of places.

Spiritual work & meditation

The spiritual experience offered is without extra charge. It is not a precondition for the trip but rather an option.

The itinerary

20th of June gathering to hotel in Athens

  • Arrival at Athenaeum 4 star hotel in Athens
  • Walk in the old city of Athens.
  • Dinner at 8:30 pm.

21st of June  Delphi – Arachova – Kamena Vourla

  • Leaving the Athenaeum at 8:00 am to Delphis
  • Fill your bottles with the energized waters of Castalia springs, to drink and prepare your energy for the sacred site like the priestesses did in the ancient times.
  • Meditation and energy work at different temples on the sacred site.
  • Individual meditation in the high frequencies caves.
  • Private time at the sacred site.
  • Lunch at a local restaurant in cosmopolitan Arachova for fresh Greek food.
  • Walking around the amazing shops at Arachova for local products and famous international brands.
  • Arrival at Galini 4 star hotel ,at Kamena Vourla in the afternoon.

22nd of june  Lyhadonisia

  • Morning meditation at a lonely island at Lyhadonisia islands.
  • Spending the day at an organized beach at Lyhadonisia.
  • Dinner at Kamena Vourla.

22nd of june  Lyhadonisia

  • Morning meditation at a lonely island at Lyhadonisia islands.
  • Spending the day at an organized beach at Lyhadonisia.
  • Dinner at Kamena Vourla.

23rd of June Athens – Aegina

  • Morning breathing work to revitalize and energize the body and energy system.
  • Sunset cruise to Sounio & Aegina for swimming and Dinner.

24th of June visit to Parthenon sacred site , Athens

  • Morning meditation at the sacred site of Parthenon temple.
  • Private time at Parthenon sacred site.
  • Free time for shopping or anything you would like to do.
  • Departure for Athens airport.



Please fill in the inquiry form and ask any questions by clicking here!

Terms & Conditions

Please ensure you read the terms below to ensure a smooth flowing journey.


All destination travel arrangements from your country to Cyprus airport and hotel are your responsibility and at your own cost. We shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from delays or cancellations in any of the companies you may have made arrangements with, or for any irregularities in your documentation required for travel.


The deposit of € 400 is non-refundable.

The deposit can be transferred to a friend, or in case that your place is filled with someone else then it can be returned to you.  If cancellation is made within 12 weeks of departure/after the balance is paid in full, then 50% of the balance paid will be refunded. In any other case, cancellations will not be refunded unless the place can be filled.


This journey is open to all women and men from 12 years old and above (anyone under 18 years of age needs to be accompanied by one of their parents). During the journey there will be exposure in the sun, traveling in the buses, meditation in the water, walking on the beach for at least 30 minutes and yoga activities. Considering the style of this journey and all activities described in all literature on this page, it may not be suitable for anyone who is pregnant, injured, allergy to the sun, or has serious physical/medical conditions. If you have had any serious physical or emotional illness within the last 3 years, or are under medical or psychiatric supervision please advise prior to booking. If you are in any doubt of your ability to participate in this journey please contact us beforehand to discuss so that we avoid any further complications.


Please understand that you are responsible for your own health and well-being during the retreat. Eliana Eleftheriou will not be held liable for any injuries or other medical or emotional problems that may occur are sustained or aggravated during or after your time on the journey with us. Eliana Eleftheriou will not accept any responsibility for cancellations, delays or changes caused by war, threat of war, terrorist actions, closure of airports, civil strike, industrial action, natural disasters, technical problems to transport, illness of participants or close relatives/pets, acts of God or any other events beyond our control. Neither can we be responsible for any loss or damage of property or disruption of program due to circumstances beyond the control of Eliana Eleftheriou.



By booking the journey you agree to the above terms and conditions. 6 days / 5 nights of stay at Mediterranean hotel Limassol

Arrival on the 20th June & departure on the 25th June Daily:
Breakfast, Water, Fresh Fruits.
Welcome dinner in the hotel on the 20 June.
Lunch snack pack for the beach excursion
Entrance fees to the Archaeological sites
Beach day excursion to Protaras,
Umbrellas at Protaras beach Beds.
Umbrellas at the hotel area!
Bus transfers from the Hotel for all group excursions & destinations!
Bus transfer for our group outings.

Accommodation options & prices.

  1. Shared Twin Room sea view / €1349 per person
  2. Shared Twin Room inland view / €1260 per person Single Room sea view / €1760 per person
  3. Single Room inland view / €1600 per person

Mode Of Payment

I accept the following modes of payment in Euros:

  • Wire Transfer Clients choosing this option can transfer money through international wire transfer.
  • Bank details will be provided upon completion of registration
  • Paypal You may also pay utilize the Paypal gateway to reserve and complete your order.
  • My preferred mode of payment is Bank transfer but I accept Paypal in cases where clients require immediate sessions and healing.

A deposit of € 400 is necessary to reserve your place on the journey. The remaining amount is to be paid just before the journey. Complete the registration form here